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P. 114

Nature Programs                                                              503-629-6350

                     Nature Store                              School Nature Programs:
          The Nature Store is in the Tualatin Hills Nature                K-12  grade
          Center lobby and offers various gifts and nature-
          related books for all ages. All profits from store   Our experienced environmental educators lead these
          sales go back to the Tualatin Hills Park Foundation   engaging, hands-on programs at nature parks and
          to provide scholarships for school field trips to the   natural areas within walking distance of schools.
          Tualatin Hills Nature Park.                         Activities incorporate core concepts from the Next
                                                              Generation Science Standards while fostering
                                                              memorable outdoor learning experiences that cannot
                                                              be duplicated in a classroom. Visit
                                                              to learn which programs help reinforce the scientific
                                                              practices and crosscutting concepts your class is
                                                              working on this year. Fill out our online request form
                                                              program-request/ to set up a program for your class.
                                                              Locations: Cooper Mountain Nature Park, Tualatin
                                                              Hills Nature Park, other THPRD natural areas, or at
                                                              your school!

                                                                      Scouts in Nature:
           Group Nature Programs:                                          Girl Scouts

                         All Ages                                  Daisies, Brownies & Juniors
          Perfect for preschools, scout troops, youth groups,   Brownies and Juniors Outdoor Art Creator and
          homeschool groups, afterschool clubs, and           Explorer Badge
          businesses. Led by environmental education staff,   Get outside and be inspired by the beauty of nature!
          these outdoor, hands-on, engaging programs can      Join our naturalists for a day of art in the park that
          be scheduled year-round. Call today to schedule a   includes hikes and hands-on activities where you
          guided hike for your group.                         can complete the steps to earning your Outdoor
                                                              Art Creator and Explorer Badge! Join as a troop or
          Locations: Cooper Mountain Nature Park, Tualatin    individually. Badge is not included with registration.
          Hills Nature Park, and other THPRD natural areas.   10/19       S   10 am-12 pm   7-11 yrs   NP25270
                                                               Tualatin Hills Nature Center   ID/AP: $16 OD: $20
                                                              NOTE:  If your troop can’t make this date, fill out the
                                                              Nature Program Request Form and we can set up
                                                              a group Math in Nature, Outdoor Art Creator and
                                                              Explorer badge or Citizen Science Journey Workshop
                                                              program that works with your schedule. www.thprd.

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