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Elsie Stuhr Center Elsie Stuhr Center                                       503-629-6342503-629-6342

                  Health & Wellness Groups                  SPORTS
           Pre-Diabetes/Diabetes Support Group               Come join the fun and learn how to play America’s fastest growing sport
           A peer-to-peer education and support group focused on Pre-Diabetes and   that is suitable for ages 5 to 99! You will learn the basic rules of pickleball
           Diabetes.                                         to get you started on the court. Lessons on how to serve and hit the ball,
                                                             footwork and movement will also be taught.  Every class will start off with
          First Thursdays      1-2 pm     Cedar Rm           basic warm-up exercises, and drills. Pickleball etiquette, a game and scoring
                                                             methods will also be introduced throughout the semester. Pickleball is safe
           Multiple Sclerosis Group                          and a great cardio activity that can be played at your own pace and level of
           Beaverton MS Support Group is for anyone living with MS or you know   intensity.
           someone or are related to someone with MS. The group talks about   6/18-8/20 (10)   T   10:30 am-12 pm   ES12601
           anything and everything about MS.                  Outside/Field Area (of ESC)   ID/AP: $135   SD: $121.50
          Second Thursdays    10 am-12 pm    Cedar Rm         OD: $168.75
           Alzheimer’s Support Group
           Spouses, caregivers, family and friends of persons suffering from
           Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia meet monthly.
          Second Thursdays    12-2 pm     Cedar Rm
           Stuhr Book Club
           Come join us for a friendly and lively discussion on our book of the
           month. Book list can be found at the front desk.
          Third Thursdays     10:30 am-12 pm    Cedar Rm
           Visually Impaired People Beaverton
           Come join a group of like-minded people to share stories, tips and
           information on low vision, and just have fun!
          Fourth Thursdays     10-11am    Cedar Rm           HIKING
                                                             Hike - Sandy River Delta
        FITNESS                                              Head out on this 4-mile loop trail near Troutdale, Oregon, considered an
                                                             easy hike with just 55 feet of elevation. Please bring a water bottle and
         REVIVE, Exercise Recovery Program                   wear appropriate hiking clothes and shoes. We will make sure everyone
         Recovering from an illness or medical treatment? Regain your strength and   is ready to go with a warmup! Please bring a water bottle and wear
                                                             appropriate hiking clothes and shoes.
         create optimal health with this individualized and targeted exercise program.
         Exercise prescription/workout is based on medical status, fitness level and   6/22 (1)   S   9-11:30 am      ES12691
         wellness goal. Medical Release & Health/Medical History Forms requested.   OffSite   ID/AP: $11   SD: $9.75   OD: $13.75
         (No class on 7/4)
        6/18-7/18 (5)   T/Th     12-1 pm       ES12689       Hike- Triple Falls
         Fitness Room   ID/AP: $106   SD: $95.25   OD: $132.50  Join us for this 3.4 mile out-and-back trail near Bridal Veil, Oregon.
        7/23-8/22 (5)   T/Th     12-1 pm       ES12690       Considered a moderately challenging route, with 823 feet of elevation. We
         Fitness Room   ID/AP: $118   SD: $106   OD: $147.50  will make sure everyone is ready to go with a warmup! Please bring a water
                                                             bottle and wear appropriate hiking clothes and shoes.
                                                            7/13 (1)      S           9-11:30 am       ES12692
                                                              OffSite     ID/AP: $11   SD: $9.75    OD: $13.75

                                                             Hike- Lower Macleay Park to Pittock Mansion
                                                             Enjoy this 5.0 mile out-and-back trail near Portland, Oregon with 921 feet of
                                                             elevation. This is a very popular area for birding and hiking and the skill level
                                                             is considered moderate. We will make sure everyone is ready to go with a
                                                             warmup! Please bring a water bottle and wear appropriate hiking clothes
                                                             and shoes.
                                                            7/27 (1)      S           9-11:30 am       ES12693
                                                              OffSite     ID/AP: $11   SD: $9.75    OD: $13.75

                                                             Hike- - Forest Park Wildwood and Hardesty Loop
                                                             Enjoy this 3.9 mile trail loop near Portland, Oregon with 433 feet of
                                                             elevation. It takes an average of 1 hour 35 minutes to complete. Please
                                                             bring a water bottle and wear appropriate hiking clothes and shoes.
                                                            8/17 (1)      S           9-11:30 am      ES12693A
                                                              OffSite     ID/AP: $11   SD: $9.75    OD: $13.75

           Fees: ID/AP=User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment      SD=Senior Discount       OD=Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
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