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P. 107

Somerset W
         Center Name est Swim Center                                               Phone Number971-317-6833

                                                             Intermediate/Advanced Swimming Skills

          Class availability subject to change. Fees vary due to number of   Date  Day  Time  ID/AP  OD  Class#
          session is in each class.
          Preschool: Minimum age 3 years and toilet-trained.  Preschool/School Age Level 5-7
          When class ends, pick up your preschooler at the dressing
                                                             6/17-7/12   M/W/F  9:30-10 am   $108   $135   SW125004
                                                             7/15-8/2   M/W/F  9:30-10 am   $90   $112.50  SW125005
          Beginning Swimming Skills                          8/5-8/23   M/W/F  9:30-10 am   $90   $112.50  SW125006
                                                             6/18-7/18   T/Th   10:20-10:50 am   $90   $112.50  SW125027
           Date     Day   Time       ID/AP     OD  Class#    7/23-8/22   T/Th   10:20-10:50 am   $99   $123.75  SW125028
           Preschool Level 1-3
                                                             Specialty Programs
          6/17-7/12   M/W/F  8:55-9:25 am   $108   $135   SW111001
          7/15-8/2   M/W/F  8:55-9:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW111002  Date  Day  Time     ID/AP    OD  Class#
          8/5-8/23   M/W/F  8:55-9:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW111003  Teen/Adult Swimming Skills - Beginning
          6/17-7/12   M/W/F  9:30-10 am   $108   $135   SW111004
          7/15-8/2   M/W/F  9:30-10 am   $90   $112.50  SW111005  6/17-7/12   M/W/F  9:30-10 am   $108    $135   SW150004B
          8/5-8/23   M/W/F  9:30-10 am   $90   $112.50  SW111006  7/15-8/2   M/W/F  9:30-10 am   $90      $112.50  SW150005B
          6/17-7/12   M/W/F  10:20-10:50 am   $108   $135   SW111007  8/5-8/23   M/W/F  9:30-10 am   $90      $112.50  SW150006B
          7/15-8/2   M/W/F  10:20-10:50 am   $90   $112.50  SW111008  6/18-7/18   T/Th   8:55-9:25 am   $90      $112.50  SW150023B
          8/5-8/23   M/W/F  10:20-10:50 am   $90   $112.50  SW111009  7/23-8/22   T/Th   8:55-9:25 am   $99      $123.75  SW150024B
          6/17-7/12   M/W/F  10:55-11:25 am   $108   $135   SW111010
          7/15-8/2   M/W/F  10:55-11:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW111011
          8/5-8/23   M/W/F  10:55-11:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW111012  Baby/Toddler & Me
          6/18-7/18   T/Th   9:30-10 am   $90   $112.50  SW111025
          7/23-8/22   T/Th   9:30-10 am   $99   $123.75  SW111026  6/17-7/12   M/W/F  11:30 am-12 pm   $73   $91.25  SW140013
          6/18-7/18   T/Th   10:20-10:50 am   $90   $112.50  SW111027  7/15-8/2   M/W/F  11:30 am-12 pm   $60   $75   SW140014
          7/23-8/22   T/Th   10:20-10:50 am   $99   $123.75  SW111028  8/5-8/23   M/W/F  11:30 am-12 pm   $60   $75   SW140015
          6/18-7/18   T/Th   10:55-11:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW111029  6/18-7/18   T/Th   10:20-10:50 am   $60   $75   SW140027
          7/23-8/22   T/Th   10:55-11:25 am   $99   $123.75  SW111030  7/23-8/22   T/Th   10:20-10:50 am   $67   $83.75  SW140028
          6/18-7/18   T/Th   11:30 am-12 pm   $90   $112.50  SW111031
          7/23-8/22   T/Th   11:30 am-12 pm   $99   $123.75  SW111032  Summer Splash
                                                              Splash is a recreational swim team. Practices consist of technique,
                                                              endurance and speed training, sportsmanship, team building, and competitive
           School Age Level 1-4                               swimming principles. Though swimmers are not required to go to every
                                                              meet, meet participation is highly encouraged. Prerequisites are level 4
          6/17-7/12   M/W/F  8:55-9:25 am   $108   $135   SW113001  and stroke competency for crawl stroke and backstroke for 25 yards each.
          7/15-8/2   M/W/F  8:55-9:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW113002  Knowledge and experience with breaststroke are preferred. Participants must
          8/5-8/23   M/W/F  8:55-9:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW113003  have started first grade. Please see Splash Swim Team page at www.thprd.
          6/17-7/12   M/W/F  10:20-10:50 am   $108   $135   SW113007  org for further details, or you can call your center to set up an evaluation.
          7/15-8/2   M/W/F  10:20-10:50 am   $90   $112.50  SW113008
          8/5-8/23   M/W/F  10:20-10:50 am   $90   $112.50  SW113009  6/17-8/16  M/W/F  8-8:45 am   $304   $380  SW134000
          6/17-7/12   M/W/F  10:55-11:25 am   $108   $135   SW113010
          7/15-8/2   M/W/F  10:55-11:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW113011
          8/5-8/23   M/W/F  10:55-11:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW113012
          6/17-7/12   M/W/F  11:30 am-12 pm   $108   $135   SW113013
          7/15-8/2   M/W/F  11:30 am-12 pm   $90   $112.50  SW113014
          8/5-8/23   M/W/F  11:30 am-12 pm   $90   $112.50  SW113015
          6/18-7/18   T/Th   8:55-9:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW113023
          7/23-8/22   T/Th   8:55-9:25 am   $99   $123.75  SW113024
          6/18-7/18   T/Th   9:30-10 am   $90   $112.50  SW113025
          7/23-8/22   T/Th   9:30-10 am   $99   $123.75  SW113026
          6/18-7/18   T/Th   10:55-11:25 am   $90   $112.50  SW113029
          7/23-8/22   T/Th   10:55-11:25 am   $99   $123.75  SW113030
          6/18-7/18   T/Th   11:30 am-12 pm   $90   $112.50  SW113031
          7/23-8/22   T/Th   11:30 am-12 pm   $99   $123.75  SW113032

          Fees: ID/AP = User is in-district or has paid an out-of-district assessment, OD = Out-of-district (no assessment paid)
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