Final Community Meeting to Review Concept Plan for Future Park at SW Pointer Rd | Reunión comunitaria para revisar el plan conceptual del futuro parque en SW Pointer Rd
January 31, 2024
Join THPRD for a final public involvement opportunity and community meeting on Thursday, February 15 at 7:00 pm at the West Slope NAC Meeting.
Community Meeting to Review Concept Plan for Future Park at SW Pointer Rd / Reunión comunitaria para revisar el plan conceptual del futuro parque en SW Pointer Rd
May 03, 2023
Join THPRD and the West Slope Neighborhood Association Committee to learn about the finalized concept plan for the Future Park at NW Pointer Rd.
Virtual Community Presentation for New Park on SW Pointer Rd
March 31, 2022
THPRD is holding a Virtual Community Presentation for the future park on SW Pointer Rd. This meeting is an opportunity for community members to learn more about the new park, learn ways to share input, and ask questions.
THPRD Planning New Neighborhood Park at SW Pointer Rd
March 02, 2022
THPRD will begin the planning and design of a future neighborhood park along SW Pointer Rd. THPRD is excited to engage local community members to help guide the design process.
This new park will be located in the West Slope neighborhood of Beaverton on SW Pointer Rd between SW 75th Ave and SW Sylvan Ct. The project will develop nearly 2 acres of park bordered by neighborhood homes and a variety of trees.
This new neighborhood park will mainly serve local community members. Community engagement is a vital part of our planning and design process. THPRD will continue working with community members to keep them informed about opportunities to engage in the park’s planning and design.
Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about this project.
Why does THPRD purchase property if they are not yet ready to develop a park?
THPRD makes an effort to purchase property when it becomes available in new housing development areas and in established housing areas that are underserved. (Level of service is defined in THPRD’s Parks Functional Plan.) Even if THPRD does not have the funds to fully develop the property, the advanced purchase helps ensure that THPRD can serve patrons in that area in the future.