7:00a-8:50aAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise%
8:00a-8:55aCardio Core
8:55a-1:30pAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise **
1:30p-2:30pSenior Swim
2:30p-6:30pAll Age Lap Swim%^/Independent Exercise^
3:30p-7:30pInstruction/Splash Swim Team
5:30p-6:25pDig Deep
7:30p-9:00pBeaverton School District
7:00a-8:55aAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise**
9:00a-10:55aAll Age Lap Swim^/Independent Exercise^
11:00a-1:30pAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise**
1:30p-2:30pSenior Swim
2:30p-3:30pAll Age Lap Swim%^/Independent Exercise^
2:30p-3:30pOpen Swim
3:30p-7:30pInstruction/Splash Swim Team
7:30p-9:00pBeaverton School District
7:00a-8:50aAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise%
8:00a-8:55aCardio Core
8:55a-1:30pAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise **
1:30p-2:30pSenior Swim
2:30p-6:30pAll Age Lap Swim%^/Independent Exercise^
3:30p-7:30pInstruction/Splash Swim Team
5:30p-6:25pDig Deep
7:30p-9:00pBeaverton School District
7:00a-8:55aAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise**
9:00a-10:55aAll Age Lap Swim^/Independent Exercise^
11:00a-1:30pAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise**
1:30p-2:25pSenior Swim
2:30p-5:00pBeaverton School District
5:30p-7:30pInstruction/Splash Swim Team
7:30p-9:00pBeaverton School District
7:00a-8:50aAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise%
8:00a-8:55aCardio Core
8:50a-10:45aAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise%
10:45a-2:30pAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise
2:30p-6:00pAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise
2:30p-6:00pOpen Swim
4:00p-6:00pAffiliate Use
7:30p-9:00pBeaverton School District
7:20a-8:50aAffiliate Use
9:00a-1:00pAffiliate Use
9:00a-12:10pInstruction/Lifeguard Class
12:15p-1:00pIndependent Exercise (Shallow Water Only)
1:00p-3:30pJr Guard Class/Lifeguard Class
1:05p-1:55pLap Swim/Independent Exercise
2:00p-4:00pOpen Swim/Lifeguard Class
8:00a-10:00pFacility CLOSED
7:00a-10:40aAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise%
8:00a-8:55aCardio Core
10:45a-1:30pAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise **
1:30p-2:30pSenior Swim
2:30p-7:30pAll Age Lap Swim%^/Independent Exercise
5:30p-6:25pDig Deep
7:30p-9:00pBeaverton School District
7:00a-7:00pFacility CLOSED for The Holiday's
8:00a-10:00pFacility CLOSED for The Holiday's
7:00a-8:55aAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise **
9:00a-10:55aAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise^
11:00a-1:30pAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise**
1:30p-2:25pSenior Swim
2:30p-5:00pBeaverton School District
7:30p-9:00pBeaverton School District
7:00a-10:40aAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise%
8:00a-8:55aCardio Core
10:45a-2:30pAll Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise
2:30p-6:00pOpen Swim/All Age Lap Swim/Independent Exercise
7:30p-9:00pBeaverton School District
7:20a-8:50aAffiliate Use
9:00a-1:00pAffiliate Use
9:00a-12:10pInstruction/Lifeguard Class
12:15p-1:00pIndependent Exercise (Shallow Water Only)
1:00p-3:30pJr Guard Class/Lifeguard Class
1:05p-1:55pLap Swim/Independent Exercise
2:00p-4:00pOpen Swim/Lifeguard Class
8:00a-10:00pFacility CLOSED