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Positions Available on THPRD Board of Directors - Election to be Held on May 20
On May 20, 2025, an election will be held to elect board members for three positions on the THPRD Board of Directors. Positions are at-large, meaning they serve the entire district, and terms last for four years.
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District is the largest special park district in Oregon, spanning 50 square miles and serving about 250,000 residents in and around Beaverton, Oregon.
Our mission is to provide high-quality park and recreation facilities, programs, services, and natural areas that meet the needs of the diverse communities we serve.
Equity & Inclusion Statement
We acknowledge that all U.S. government agencies have roots stemming from systemic racism and oppression, including THPRD. We seek to hold ourselves accountable for our role in perpetuating these systems and are committed to taking action to create meaningful change. We aspire to bring people together, to be a welcoming and inclusive park and recreation district, and to live our values of advancing social and racial equity.